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Podcast Episode

Switching from my usual role as host of the Body Aware Living Podcast, in this interview I join Jill Hart as a guest on her You World Order Showcase podcast. Together we explore how our individual preferences aren’t just fun – they’re a celebration of freedom and a powerful tool to improve our self-care. 

Our talk includes: 

  • Discovering what helps you feel like your favorite self 
  • Creating long-term wellness by minimizing set backs
  • A fall reduction technique for caregivers and seniors called, 3 Steps to Success 
  • What is “Concierge Coaching”? How mix-and-match services improves care for clients 
  • Why our bodies are an accurate and useful source of information


You can also watch the full video on YouTube.

Host Bio/contact info:

Jill Hart

The Coach’s Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast

Founder of The You World Order Community & Podcast (Podcasting – Attracting Clients & Building Authority)



Facebook Group: Podcasting-Attracting Clients & Brand Authority

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