It can be extra frustrating for those of us that have been blessed with high levels of health and athleticism to adjust to lower levels of function.
Many of us admire seniors who try to stay active and satisfied. Somehow they find ways to work around incredible disappointment on a daily basis and utilize their bodies, and the time they have, as best possible.
I’ve been blessed to know these inspiring seniors on a very personal basis. One of my beloved fitness clients Mildred and I exercised together two days a week from when she was 97 to when she passed away at 103.
She was bedridden, blind, hard of hearing, in constant pain…and every visit she cheered me up with her positive attitude.
I’d walk in complaining about the traffic or whatever, all stressed out and be totally humbled by the fact that this frail, woman with so many limitations was happier than me.
One day I was in a low mood because I had just found out, at age 50, I needed glasses for the first time. I was trying to act normal, but Mildred knew me well and asked why I was upset. Reluctantly, I mentioned the change with my eyes and she said, “Margo, isn’t it a miracle that God provided a tool like glasses that can help you?” With total embarrassment, I realized I had just complained to a blind woman about needing glasses.
We have so much to learn from each other about making the best out of each day!
Who has inspired or educated you? Are there older people in your life you look to for guidance? Let us know! Here is Mildred at her 103rd birthday party…and me with my new glasses!
Best wishes to you, Margo Rose